Most efficient method of using of AC?
I’m trying to educate the other half about how best to use our AC as she’s pretty against it due to perceived power costs and it’s getting way too hot for me to handle.
Does anyone have a link to a short and concise explainer or even a YouTube video that breaks it down? I’ve tried looking but can’t find anything that will be short enough to hold the attention 😅
My understanding is (using a modern inverter system) the following, using a 30 degree day for the example:
- turning on at 2/3pm when it’s sweltering is more inefficient because you’re trying to cool down not only a hot interior but also using extra energy to take the heat out of any items inside the home
- leaving the AC on from the morning (say 9am) when everything is already at its coolest and setting to auto to let it regulate itself over the course of the day is more efficient and also more comfortable
- setting the temp to something like 23-25 on auto is a lot better than trying to super cool quickly by going to 16-18 degrees for an hour or so before increasing back up to 23-25 and leaving it there
Obviously the way you deal with airflow, windows and blinds comes into play but for arguments sake having windows open at night then in the morning closing them and the blinds so you’re locking in as much natural cooling as you’ll get is the approach to prepare for a hot day.
If I have any of that wrong I’m happy to be educated and if anyone has some good resources to explain how to get the most cost effective use out of a system please do share 🙂