Vaping causing hearing loss?
I used to suffer relatively mild tinnitus and could only hear it in dead quiet areas but now i hear it constantly.
Disclaimer: I started going clubbing and working in a warehouse the same time I started vaping so this may be heavily skewed.
However, I have been wearing earplugs out and to work for a couple weeks now to see no improvements. Now I was curious and researched whether vaping can cause hearing loss and I've stumbled across many studies that i will link below. Let me know your personal opinions!
1.Smokers are 70% more prone to suffer from hearing loss than those who don’t
2.Nicotine—regardless of where it came from—has known negative health impacts on your ears and blood supply. If you smoke, it can affect your hearing.
3.e-cigarettes influence and reduce human middle ear cell viability even without the application of nicotine
4.Nicotine can also cause other hearing-related issues, like tinnitus, dizziness, and vertigo.
5. Also as im typing this im come across this post from 6 years ago, sourcing many more studies regarding hearing loss
Personally this has killed my love for vaping and must stop for the better of my health. I will miss it :(
If this has been common knowledge, I apologize but just wish I had known before.