Does anyone else feel kinda isolated from the wider LGBTQA community?

I've realized I'm aromantic for the past two years now and despite having mamy wonder friends who are apart of the LGBTQA community, i just never felt i actually am queer.

It's just that, romance is such a huge part of life and culture. It is the desire of many, to find the one that could very well be your soulmate, the person you wanna spend your life. I see it all the time and it's very prominent in queer circles which I understand why completely of course. Im not trying to deny why romance matters so much to so many.

Which is why I'm sad that romance doesn't impact me the same way it does for others in the community. It's hard for me to talk about being aromantic, that I don't mind not having that sort of relationship. That I am really happy with just the platonic relationships I have. That I don't cheer when the two hook up, im happy for representation sake of course but the emotional impact of it doesn't resonate with me because I just don't get romance like that.