AIW? Woman kept getting up to go to the restroom during a play. I called her out.

My husband and I are big theater fans. We love it so much that we have season tickets in two different states. Well, we built a whole day around a show we've never seen and couldn't wait to get there. We stopped at the concession to get a couple of drinks and a woman in front of us had a giant drink container bigger than her purse that held FOUR 20oz bottles of water and ice in it that the concession put in it for her.

My husband and I went to our seats and were in the two seats on the aisle. Mind yoyuy, he's using crutches and in a surgical boot. I'm with my walker that the theater worker closes and slides under our row of seats PLUS I have a portable oxygen tank that I'm holding in my lap. The woman with the lake sized bottle of water was seated toward the far end of our row but you could only exit by coming back our way because she was up against a wall beside the stairwell on her end. Ten minutes into the show ... she goes to pee. Because of her size, the whole row of about 10 people had to get up and stand in the aisle because simply standing wouldn't make enough room for her to walk past. She was easily 400+lbs and kept snagging the long hair of the women seated in front of us and bumping everyone in the back of the head with her hips. She had reserved three seats to accommodate her and fit comfortably (and this isn't about her size, I'm just clarifying why everyone had to stand up and walk into the aisle so she could exit and enter. I'm a size 16 myself and body shaming isn't my thing. But her size is the reason the entire row had to stand up and go out into the aisle so she could enter/exit and that's relevant to what transpired.) She goes to the bathroom, comes back, is snacking and drinking nonstop. About twenty minutes later, she has to go to the bathroom again. Again, all ten of us stand up and step into the aisle so she can walk out. She comes back with two more bottles of water and makes a big show of refilling her giant bottle very loudly.

Every fifteen to twenty minutes, she is getting up to go pee. I'd say 8-10 times in total for the 3.5 hours we were there. Then she stays in her seat for intermission instead of going to the bathroom again. Lights go down after intermission and we get about five minutes in and she's back up needing to pee again. This goes on for the whole show ... every fifteen to twenty minutes like clockwork. I feel like I was up more than down ... I couldn't tell you what happened in the play because every time I got invested ... she had to pee again. And my husband was on crutches and trying to navigate in the dark on stairs. I was hobbling around unbalanced without my walker and with the oxygen tank throwing me off center. She finally whispers to me, toward the end of the play, "So sorry. My bladder is thimble sized."

I whispered back, "Then maybe you shouldn't drink six bottles of water."

She goes, "What? How dare you!?"

I said, "No, how dare you? People pay a lot of money to come here and see a play and you have ruined it for everyone seated around you. Get an aisle seat next time, lady!"

Someone behind us goes, "Literally! Sit the eff down, woman! Jesus Christ!"

She didn't come back after that.

My husband thinks I was probably too rude to her. Was I? I wouldn't have said anything to her if she hadn't said something to me first. He says that she probably saw the irritation on my face and that's why she said that she had a thimble sized bladder. My thing is ... don't drink six bottles of water when you're not sitting in an aisle seat and if you see that you are making everyone get up repeatedly ... don't keep drinking. And when you see someone on crutches and in a surgical boot ... who is with someone who uses a walker and an oxygen tank ... maybe ask to be moved since you will be getting up and down and making EVERYONE get up for you. Was I wrong?

ETA: Spoke with the theater and they comped us a show but this one has already moved on and we likely won't have a chance to see it again for years. They had MULTIPLE complaints about her from not just us. There is a theater policy that you can only leave the theater twice when it's not intermission. She should have been retained in the lobby to watch on a television there before intermission ever happened and again after when she started back up but I guess the ushers didn't know the policy. Heck, I don't know WHY it happened. I just know that my husband was in a surgical boot and using crutches and I had medical equipment (walker and O2 tank) that I had to wrestle with every time she stood up and needed to go. Yes, I was angry. I was incredibly angry. My health is awful and I don't always feel up to going anywhere ... but I felt okay that day and had been looking forward to it for ages. That was our first time at that theater and we'll go back for a comped show but if it happens again ... we won't be back.