I've applied for aid, now what?

I'm actively making my exit plan for myself and my baby. I have applied to WIC, food stamps, (got denied for TANF), and the daycare voucher - now I'm just waiting to see if I get approved. There's a waitlist for the waitlist for housing assistance so I'm looking at income restricted neighborhoods to find even a 1 bedroom apartment.

Other things:

  1. Important documents and my jewelry are in a safe at my parent's home
  2. I have most of my things in totes, ready to go. (I have a lot of craft supplies, so it all blends in)
  3. I have an emergency suitcase packed, just in case
  4. I have a list of what needs to be grabbed in the scenario I get my new place and have a few hours where he's out to pack everything in a truck and go.

Is there anything I'm forgetting? Is it a waiting game now?
The other thing is that he's really good at pulling on my emotional heartstrings. He's accused me of "playing along" and lying to him that I love him. And that's true. Once I recognized that his behaviors are manipulative, controlling, and emotionally abusive - it killed the deep affection I had for him. I know once I leave it will get really ugly with "I knew you were lying, I'm just a wallet" etc etc. Do I wait for an argument and break up, or ???

What now? How do I do this?