Personal Auction Opinions: Week 2

Concept 1B

Start Price: 14,000

Drop Price: 1,000/day

The Concept 1B is your quintessential tier 10 hulldown heavy. The gun has solid dpm at 2850 and decent standard pen, but lacks HEAT pen at only 340 with cali, 20 less than the E6 or E5, and the gun handling is average, although the dispersion feels nice to use. The tank is also relatively mobile, and it has the emergency track mechanic letting it back up with broken tracks. The best part about the tank is the turret armor, which is impenetrable from the front, combined with the 10 degrees of gun depression, but the rest of the tanks armor is weak. Overall I find this tank to be a less enjoyable E6, but if you want the tank as a competitive tier 10 13k is a solid price, and it will probably not go lower than that.

Verdict: Buy in a day

AMX 30 b

Start Price: 15,000

Drop Price: 1,000/day

The 30b is a medium fusion between the Leopard 1 and the STB-1. The dpm and alpha are both solid for a tier 10 medium, and the gun has super nice dispersion values at .29, as well as solid HEAT pen for a medium. The mobility is also solid, with a great top speed and power/weight. The turret armor is troll but can't reliably sit hulldown due to the big cupola on top. Overall this tank averages out nearly every value from the Leopard 1 and STB-1, which sounds nice until you realize it has a worse gun than the Leo and not enough armor to make up for it like the STB, putting it in limbo. The tank was more fun before the nerfs, but it could be buffed again, so its not a bad buy, and the tank is still pretty enjoyable.

Verdict: Wait a few days

T 55 A

Start Price: 10,000

Drop Price: 250/day

The T 55 A is a decently strong yet boring tier 9 medium. The gun has great dpm but is otherwise average, and the 6 degrees of gun depression makes it not too flexible. The mobility is great considering the armor, with a top speed and power/weight comparable to some lighter t9 meds. The armor is the best part, with an unpennable turret and strong upper plate. Overall the tank has a classic Russian armor layout even though its German, but is still pretty boring, its playstyle can be replicated by the t-54, and the tank is mostly going into tier 10s, making the armor not as good. There are better t9 meds to buy like the Cobra, but if you really want it wait until it gets to around 7.5-8k if it does.

Verdict: Wait until the end


Start Price: 10,000

Drop Price: 500/day

The TL-7 is similar to the T-55 A but for heavies, a decent tank but pretty boring. The gun is nearly identical to the M103, a classic American gun that trades a bit of penetration for better dispersion. The mobility is also average, with slightly slower power/weight compared to similar heavies, and the reverse is super slow at only 10. The frontal turret and hull armor are nearly impervious even to tier 10s, but they are negated by the tumor on the turret. Combine this with only 7 degrees of gun depression and you get a tank that isn't bad, but doesn't really have any defining features, and will end up collecting dust. When there are much better/more enjoyable heavies like the 752, K-91, Kpf 70 with similar pricing, there is no point in buying this tank.

Verdict: Do Not Buy


Start Price: 8,000

Drop Price: 500/day

The 122 is a heavium similar to the Chimera. The gun has great alpha at 400, and great HEAT pen at nearly 300 with cali. The dispersion sucks but the aim time is solid, and the 7 degrees of gun depression makes it a bit flexible. It is one of the slowest mediums at the tier but is alright considering the insane armor profile it has. Most of the turret and upper hull will be red to most enemies, and although it has 2 hatches, they aren't that big, and wiggling will make it hard to hit. Overall the big alpha lets you positively trade with most tanks in the tier, and the armor/HEAT combo lets it compete on heavy side, making it a solid buy. This tank got sold pretty quickly last year, and its uniqueness/enjoyability make it a good buy below 7k.

Verdict: Wait a couple days


Start Price: 7,500

Drop Price: 500/day

The M4 is a unique style of hulldown autoloader in tier 8. The gun is a 4-shot autoloader with a 7-second intraclip and 14 second interclip, making it more like a high dpm single shot. It has pretty average pen and aim time, but terrible dispersion compared to most similar heavies at .362. The mobility is average, with a decent top speed and power/weight. The turret/upper plate armor will get a lot of bounces, and the cupola can even bounce occasionally but don't rely on it. Overall the tank seems unique but is still pretty boring, the upside of having that faster shooting gun doesn't come into play as often as it seems, but in certain situations this is one of the best heavies you can have.

Verdict: Wait until last day

Skorpion G

Start price: 8,500

Drop Price: 1,500/day

The Skorp is a paper TD at tier 8 with great capabilities. The gun is one of the best in tier 8, with an amazing dpm considering the 460 alpha, along with great aim time and dispersion, and solid pen values. It has a decent top speed of 55 but a low power/weight, meaning it will be tougher to evade if engaged by enemy lights/meds. The armor is nonexistent and you will get HE'd by everything, and the tank has a big profile, making it harder to hide. Overall the gun is among the best in tier 8, making it a fun sniper tank to play. I prefer the SU-130 due to the great power/weight and lower profile, but both are great tanks to own, and I would recommend the Skorp once it goes below 7k to anyone wanting a good tier 8 TD.

Verdict: Wait a couple days.


Start Price: 3,500

Drop Price: 250/day

The M41D is among the best light tanks in tier 7. The dpm is amazing at 2.7k with cali, and the standard pen is solid, although the gold isn't ideal compared to other lights with HEAT. It also has good aim time and solid dispersion. The mobility is the best part, with a 70 km/h top speed and insane 33.5 power/weight, making it almost on the level of the Dracula in terms of acceleration. It is a light tank so there is no armor. Overall the tank is super fun as a budget Dracula if you want to zoom around, but also does get 1 shot by a lucky smasher or su-152, so I would only recommend it to experienced players, but it is still a great tank, I would recommend it below 3k.

Verdict: Wait a few days.