Updated Auction Opinions: Week 1

https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfTanksBlitz/comments/1hdqheq/personal_auction_opinions_week_1/ initial opinions

Still don't recommend the 252u or AT-15 A. I would wait on the Astron and Caernarvon to get below 6k for best value. K-91, Kpz 70 are great values at their next price drop, especially the kpz at 8k gold. FV201 also a good buy at 2500 or lower. Despite the hate the HWK got in my last post 4k gold is an amazing price for a tier 8 premium and i would recommend it if you like light tanks.


Start Price: 6,500

Drop Price: 1,000/day

The svear is a slightly better version of the tech tree Leo, a hulldown-ish medium. It plays around its big alpha for a medium at 290. The aim time and mobility are the only two significant differences, with both being better than the Leo. Being able to use the alpha is nice, but the tank is pretty mid otherwise, and the turret will get penned by almost anything. This is way too expensive for what it offers.

Verdict: Do Not Buy

Skoda T 27

Start Price: 8,000

Drop Price: 1,000/day

The skoda is a great combination of fun and competitive in tier 8, similar to the tvp but better tier for tier. The gun is great, a 660 damage clip with a 1.5 second intraclip, making it super easy to dish out damage. It also has alright gun handling with a good dispersion value. The tank is pretty fast as well with a good power/weight. Other than the troll mantlet the tank has no armor, but you won't get HE penned in the front. Overall a super fun tank to play as a support/flanker, but has been sold for a lot cheaper, including in last year's black friday for 6k, so I would wait until it is below that price.

Verdict: Wait a few days


Start Price: 6,500

Drop Price: 1,000/day

The chieftain is a relatively powercrept tier 8 heavy. The dpm is solid at 2500, but its gun is outclassed by the Caernarvon, which has 300 more dpm and identical gun handling, and the standard pen is better. However the Chieftain does have better mobility, with a good top speed for a heavy. The turret and upper plate armor are both super strong, but are offset by the tumor on its turret. Overall it is outclassed by the tech tree Caernarvon and the Action X, if you really want it I would wait until it drops to a similar price as the HWK 30.

Verdict: Wait until last day

AMX 13 57

Start Price: 5,000

Drop Price: 500/day

A tank with a high fun factor but low competitive factor. The gun is a 6-shell 90-dmg autoloader with standard pen values. The dispersion and on-move are both solid letting you zip around with high mobility and dish out paper cuts. The armor is HE-able, similar to most French tanks. The tank is definitely fun but not worth this much, it was sold for 3,500 on Black Friday and sometimes gets sold for 2,500 so atleast wait until it goes into the 2000s to buy it

Verdict: Wait until last day

T28 Defender

Start Price: 8,500

Drop Price: 1,500/day

This is a unique tank destroyer among tier 8s. The gun has a massive 1200 damage clip with a 3-shot, 400 damage autoloader, but the intra-clip is 6.67 seconds, making it more of a high dpm single shot than an autoloader. The gun handling is pretty bad, and the pen is below average, but it does have a solid 10 degrees of gun depression to work ridgelines. The mobility is also slow with only a 30 kph top speed, similar to the tech tree T28 proto. The armor is solid against standard amma but can be penned in the turret cheeks and hull with gold so watch out. Overall a high-floor, low ceiling tank destroyer that plays similar to a heavy. It is a unique tank that can be fun to play for the right person, so anywhere below 6,000 is a good value

Verdict: Wait a few days