Personal Auction Opinions Week 1
I made a guide for the Christmas auctions last year and some people found it helpful so I figured I'd continue the trend for this year.
I will update the post for the new tanks that come out and make a new post every week.
Chieftain Mk. 6
Starting Gold: 14,500
Drop: 500 gold/day
The chieftain is an all around very fun hulldown heavy to play in tier 10. The gun handling is solid with great aim time/dispersion, which is helpful when using the HESH, which has a good alpha and decent pen. The turret is nearly unpennable outside of the cupola, so as long as you hide the cupola hulldown you'll bounce a lot, although the hull will get penned by everything. The mobility is decent for a heavy but nothing great, slightly lower power/weight and traverse than the American heavies. 14,500 is already a very solid price, most tier 10s around this price are powercrept mediums, and its a great price if you want a tier 10.
Verdict: Buy at any price
T22 Medium
Starting Gold: 13,500
Drop: 1000 gold/day
Speaking of powercrept mediums, the T22 used to be overpowered but has fallen off a bit, yet is still a fun tank to play. The gun is decent, nothing special but has solid dpm, average dpm and low gun depression. The mobility is solid, being one of the faster t10 meds. The best part about this tank is the armor, the turret/upper hull will get a lot of bounces, letting you facehug well with a smaller lower plate, and the sides are similar to an IS-7 in their troll factor. 13.5k is a decent price for the tank, but if possible I would wait a day before grabbing it.
Verdict: Wait a day
Starting Gold: 11,000
Drop: 500/day
Many will dismiss this tank because of the Obj. 752, but it can do much better in some situations. The gun is overall better, with a higher clip potential, lower interclip, and much lower aiming time/dispersion, making it pretty accurate for a heavy. The mobility on this tank is pretty standard for a heavy. The turret will get you troll bounces but since it got nerfed you can't sit hulldown against t10 like you could before. Overall a very enjoyable tank that provides somewhat of a different playstyle than the 752, as it serves as more of a brawler than clip dumper with the higher dpm. 10k or below is a good price to buy it
Verdict: Wait a couple days
Kpf. Pz 70
Starting gold: 10,000
Drop: 500/day
My favorite tier 9 tank at the moment, it gives you everything you need to do to perform well. The dpm is similar to most tier 9 single-shot heavies but the gun features 560 alpha, which lets you positively trade with almost any non-td in the game. The standard pen is serviceable but the HEAT pen is solid at 340, and it has solid aim time/dispersion considering the alpha. The power/weight is solid for this tank, letting it accelerate quickly. The turret armor will bounce pretty consistently, even in tier 10, although the hull/sides/rear are all weak. Overall one of the stronger tanks in tier 9 that is also super fun to play with its big alpha. It was recently sold in black Friday for 9,500 with coupons/equipment, so anywhere below that price is a good price to buy it
Verdict: Wait a couple days
Obj. 252u
Starting Price: 9500
Drop Price: 500
WG is smoking crack selling this at 9500. It is a strong yet boring tank, and it sells in pop-up offers for 6k with the camo. Don't buy it unless you're new to the game and need a credit earner, and if that's the case wait until it drops to 5k or less to even consider it
Verdict: Do Not Buy
Astron Rex
Starting Price: 9,000
Drop Price: 500/day
Overall a well-balanced medium clipper. The main selling point of the tank is the potential 870 damage you can dish out in 7 seconds, which is a lot for tier 8. Other than that the tank is pretty mediocre; the pen is below-average, and the gun handling is average, although it does have 8 degrees of gun depression. The tank has a solid top speed but low power/weight and traverse, making it not as maneuverable. The turret armor can get some bounces but prammo will go right through it, but using the 8 degrees of gun depression can help. Overall it is a well-balanced tank and can be fun sometimes, but is not worth the current price
Verdict: Wait a few days
HWK 30
Starting Price: 8,500
Drop Price: 1,500/day!
An overhated tank since it is comparable to the Ru 251, yet in my opinion it is a better version of the tech tree. The dpm is pretty average, but it has solid HEAT pen, amazing aiming time and solid dispersion, meaning you will hit your shots much more frequently. The tank has a lower top speed than the Ru but a similar power/weight, so the downgrade in mobility won't affect you unless you need to rotate a long distance. The tank is also slightly more HE-proof than its tech tree counterpart, although it can still be HE'd. Overall a decent tank that people love to hate, but is not worth the current price, if it settles below the 5,000 mark I would consider picking it up for a decent credit earning light.
Verdict: Wait until the end
FV 201 (A45)
Start Price: 4,000
Drop Price: 250/day
Unlike the HWK 30, I believe this tank is an inferior version of the Black Prince at tier 7. The guns are nearly identical, although the 201 trades a bit of dpm for better aim time/dispersion. The Fv 201 is more mobile than the Black Prince overall, but lacks in hull armor and features a cupola that the Black Prince doesn't have. Overall it is still an enjoyable tank, if you like the Black Prince and want a similar credit earner I would wait until the tank goes below 3k.
Verdict: Wait until the end
Caernarvon Defender
Start Price: 8,500
Drop Price: 750/day
This tank is a newer one which justifies the price tag, but it is not a great tank imn comparison to others in its tier. The gun is a 3-shell autoloader with 280 alpha per shot, but it has poor gold penetration and dpm, but the aiming time and dispersion are not bad. The tank only has a max speed of 30 km/h which is slow for a tier 8 heavy, but it does have a decent power/weight. The turret armor is troll but can get penned by gold, but the 10 degrees of gun depression makes it more flexible, and the upper plate is super strong. Overall this is a worse version of the Emil 1/M-3-Yoh in the tech tree, so I wouldn't suggest buying it unless you're a collector, in which case the price isn't too bad if you wait.
Verdict: Wait until the end
AT 15 A
Start Price: 5,500
Drop Price: 500/day
This is similar to the tech tree AT-7, but with slightly better dpm and armor in exchange for lower alpha. I find these tanks very boring, I have 3 games played with 3 masteries. It is better than the tech tree though, but 5.5k is absurd for an older t7 like this, so if you really enjoy tanks like this I would wait until it gets in the 3k range if it does.
Verdict: Do Not Buy