Just got diagnosed!

I only had a small patch next to my mouth, but I had noticed it, along with noticed certain patches of my hair and beard starting to turn white all of the sudden over the last 2 years (I combed through pictures to find out). But he looked for a while, and basically said “yeah. Vitiligo sounds about right. It’s not very big though. Do you wanna do treatment? You probably don’t need it. Do you want it? No? Okay. We will just keep an eye on it and see where it is in a few months.”

The reason this is big news (bigger than normal I guess) is because I have been having major health issues the last 4 months which I think are attributed to a DIFFERENT autoimmune disorder. And now I have 2 that are diagnosed. So maybe they will take me seriously now.

So yeah. Just wanted to say hi!