Why do some people care about sex so much
Before you say it I'm not asexual or anything like that and I rub one out a least once a day but even for me it's insane how much SOME people care and prioritize sex over everything else when it comes to there partners,relationship and even lifestyle
Like holy sht does 10-20 minutes of it really dictate your life like that? Are you really risking getting potentially robbed,hurt,assaulted or who knows what for a one night stand with some random dude or girl?
Are you really leaving your partner because 10 minutes of pleasure isn't as good? Seriously it's not like food where you could perish because of it
These days it's weird because people act like sex is just...well sex like it doesn't mean anything, they say that so they can sleep with a bunch of people and have an excuse to do so
But then at the same time they act like it's the most important thing in the world, that it demonstrates love and passion between partners...how are you gonna go both ways?!? You can't say one and then the other!! It can’t be “just meaningless fun” but then also “if I don’t like it,we’re done” like huh!? It’s crazy how many people I’ve seen break up or cheat because of stuff like that
How can SOME people ruin a 3 year,6 year even a 8 year long relationships just for 10 minutes of pleasure, Are you serious!?!?
Tbh I'm pathetic but that's really pathetic like god damn you had to do like 20 decisions to get there but just make one to get out of it!!
Maybe you guys can explain to me but I really can’t fathom why some people seem to act like it matters so so much,as if it’s one of the top 3 most important things in a relationship,is this the only way you can feel close to your partner? Like is this the only way to affirm that you love each other? Is it really worth destroying a long relationship that’s otherwise amazing for it? Do you really wanna risk getting a STD or hurt just to “have fun” with some random person? Is it really so damn uncontrollable?? Is it insecurity? To feel cool or good about themselves? It’s crazy because as people get older they actually start to admit that it doesn’t matter to them as much or at all,so is it maturity? I really have no clue
I don’t wanna insult anyone or care what you do in the bedroom as long as it doesn’t affect me,but I just don’t know why something that can last as long as me taking a dump can dictate one’s life and relationships
….Anyways that’s my vent