My partner wants to leave me because his parents “can’t forgive her mental health issues”

A little backstory my partner ( 26M we will call him “C” ) and I ( 22F ) have been in a relationship for nearly 2 years now. At the beginning i warned C that i have had a few issues with Mental health due to an assault when i was 12. He understood this and was willing to work through things with me as they came up.

We were going smoothly until i had something re trigger me at work. This lead to me isolating myself and being unable to work ( this isn’t the issue as my family supported me financially through all this ). He loved me and helped me through it all for months.

I felt like a burden and overdosed to numb the pain, they sent me to hospital. Thankfully out of this i managed to get the help i needed. Things were on the mend, i was going so much better and we were happy again in our relationship.

He told his parents that we were going to attempt to be together again, they begged and pleaded with him not to sending him into turmoil. We talked through this and he decided to stay. They turned around and gave him an ultimatum, me or them. They said they can not forgive me because of my mental health.

What should we do? He wants to leave to save the drama and stress on my mental health but we love each other and don’t want to.


I feel like this post has blown up a lot more than i ever thought it would and it seems to have been misinterpreted. This is just a tiny piece of writing attempted to explain two years of relationship…

Relationship Timeline 3 Months Talking 6 Months dating before traumatic experience 1.5 Years Overdose ( Hospitalised less than a day and released on my own recognisance ) Currently 2 Years total.

During my overdose i decided to split with C as i felt like i was being too much. After a month, We talked this over and worked out that we wished to be together and work through it together.. Me working on myself with my mental health team and him working on himself too.

Yes my overdose hurt him… however he still chose to be with me and we have discussed and worked through the pain i caused.

We were going absolutely great, my health was on the mend and our relationship was like we had just started dating again. We had new strategies in place to keeping a net below me so if i fall back again it won’t be as far and hopefully cause less pain on those around me.

Before the relationship… when i said “i warned him” i was referring to telling him what happened and about my social anxiety.

Yes i am currently integrating back into work and even if my parents weren’t helping me financially C was more than willing to ( especially considering i was taking care of his Zoo while off work and helping my mental health )

No relationship is perfect however both him and i have always been there for each other.

My main reason for this post wasn’t about my depression or a cry for me me me as i’ve read a lot of comments have said. it was more an attempt at me trying to understand why his parents have gone so far to stop the relationship by forcing him to choose between myself and them.

A lot of people struggle with Mental Issues and are in relationships.. these are the kind of people i am hoping will reach out to me via pm and give either myself or C a little advise.