The 37 reasons I believe in God.

This list consists of the 37 reasons I believe in God, note not all of these are a "reason" but might just be a argument about theism or God nature. Tell me if there is anything I'm missing! Been expanding this list for a bit now.

  1. Metaphysics

  2. Cosmology

  3. Philosophy of Mind

  4. Theology

  5. Neurochemistry

  6. Fine-tuning argument

  7. Moral philosophy

  8. Epistemology

  9. Logic and reasoning

  10. Ontology

  11. Philosophy of Religion

  12. Existential philosophy

  13. Quantum mechanics

  14. The Problem of Evil and Theodicy

  15. Historical arguments for the resurrection of Jesus

  16. Creationism and intelligent design

  17. The principle of sufficient reason

  18. Teleology

  19. Psychological arguments for transcendence

  20. Linguistic studies of religious texts

  21. Ethical relativism and objective morality

  22. Human consciousness studies

  23. The nature of free will

  24. Comparative religion studies

  25. The argument from consciousness

  26. The aesthetic argument

  27. Personal experiences and testimonies

  28. Miracles

  29. Archaeological evidence

  30. Anthropic principle

  31. Near-death experiences (NDEs)

  32. The uniqueness of human language

  33. Historical reliability of religious texts

  34. Prophecies

  35. The argument from desire

  36. privatio boni

  37. Neurochemistry