Tekken online is fucked
I just have to vent my fumes
I somehow got lucky and reached tekken king which I absolutely don’t think I am good enough for. Before I used to stay at kishin with 200.000 prowess and meet people with the same skill level. Now I have 240.00 tekken prowess and I only meet people who have like 270-320000. These people are gods and now I’m starting to become demoted even further then fujin because the people at fujin are now also gods with 280.000 prowess. Quick play is also fucked. Feels like I am only playing against pros almost. Goddamn!!!!
But rank is so weird because when you reach new ranks the same ranks as before become different from when you had a lower prowess. For example 180.00 prowess fujin is not the same as 240.000 fujin.
Guess I just gotta get good. I shouldn’t really care about rank but everyone just became to good for me to handle.