Prediction RK tweets today

I think the flag microphone emoji was always Inauguration Day. I’ve read most all the theories along the way and hoped all of them would come to fruition as it would signify the next step in the timeline.

Regardless of who won the presidency, we all know when Inauguration Day is going to be and if you were watching a calendar or clock (TikTok), you’d have a pretty clear idea when you needed to time your posts if you were trying to convey a message. All hypothetical and clearly not for financial advice.

The outcome of the election would likely be a positive for our beloved stock since the Commander and Chief also has a stock that has fallen victim to malicious short selling.

Whatever happens today while the market is closed, please know that I love all of you. Even you goofy bots and spam accounts. You really are the goo the binds us. See y’all on the moon.