New Years resolution for the Sub
Good morning everyone (GME). I hope you all are doing well around the holidays. The new year brings new things. Many people set goals they want to achieve in order to better themselves.
I would like to propose a goal I really hope this sub could try to accommodate: "Make more friends".
I think the sub has a lot of good information and the DD is sound. At its core there is a unique market catalyst. Unfortunately I think overall the sub is too aggressive and unapproachable. The sub is quick to push everything away, to it's own detriment. People won't care how good the thesis and information is if they are chased away. And I've seen plenty of new people pushed out fast. There is a sense of righteousness people get for "protecting" their stock but I think it does more harm than good.
This sub started the DRS movement. It wants market reform and better retail protection. And that movement has spread to other companies. That is a big deal. the movement is alive and spreading. But this sub doesn't care. They kneecap themselves so it only matters that they do it. Instead of being happy there are allies and people with the same goal as you, you push it away. The sub is too aggressive and it's not helpful.
I would really like to see the aggression toned down next year. The sub speaks Ape no fight Ape and I think it should be taken more seriously. There is more overlap than you think and there is a lot to gain from being friendly with people. I'm not asking you to buy other stocks or anything other than please try to be more friendly and welcoming to others. I know a lot of people turned off from investing in GME because of this sub and I've seen many OG apes delete their accounts recently because of it. I'm sad my friends are gone and it doesn't have to be like this. It's not surprising why DD writers have left too. Other subreddits do not behave like this and I know it can be changed. It will take hard work but I think it would be worth it. And I hope you can see how helpful it would be to have a healthier sub for the new year.
Regardless, I hope you all take care and have a wonderful holiday season.