“Congrats, you got offended by some words and now someone might not be able to put food on their table. 👏” An older male customer hits on a 18 year-old female dasher. /r/doordash debates if this is appropriate behavior

The Context:

An 18 year-old female dasher posts a screenshot of a message from an older male customer to /r/doordash. In the message, the customer compliments her looks.

The dasher describes the customer as an “old fat man” in her write up.

The sub debates if this was an appropriate exchange, if OOP was body-shaming the man, and if some people are over-reacting.

The Drama:

Some highlights:

Ahh a classic demonstration of female attraction:

Old fat man: Thank you for being pretty

Girl: :O creep!

Chad: Thank you for being pretty

Girl: Omg thank you :)

Okay, incel. A 60 year old man compliments an 18 year old while she's working, and she's reasonably uncomfortable with it. She doesn't want to be hit on by an old man. If someone closer to her age complimented her while she was at say a social event, she'd probably respond better cause it's a completely different scenario. People react differently to different scenarios, crazy

Okay, incel - Translation: I have no argument so I'm going to use an ad hominem to invalidate your point because having sex is the only measurement of value I understand.

Ah yes, only read the first two words and completely disregard my argument that followed. As soon as you start using incel terminology like calling people "chads," I'm going to call it out. Doesn't have anything to do with valuing sex.

OMG he called you pretty! Are you ok?? What an awful thing to do to another human being Jesus I will pray you make it through this

man shut the fuck up w that shit. she’s 18 and he is well over 18. that’s what makes it fucking creepy

Oh no! They are both adults!

Oh, legally right? In some countries, being just as young as 15 is an adult. So your point is invalid as THE fuck 🖤 and it’s still creepy 😄

As you get older you will be mature enough to just take a compliment. Old fat dude was probably just being nice.

as you develop more brain cells you’ll understand it wasn’t a necessary compliment. it wasn’t the time or place for the “compliment” and she is 18. he is WELL over 18

She’s not gonna let you hit. You’re defending her more than she’s defending herself 😂😂😂

annddd thanks for proving my point, you’re a fucking creep just like the other guys, that are defending this guy are 😂😂👏👏i just love when the jokes write themselves

I too love when the jokes write themselves. Fucking dumbass 😂😂😂

You are 100 spot on. In the eyes of women, the determination of a man’s creepiness is directly dependent upon how attractive he is and/or how much money she can extract from him.

It's only ever creepy looking guys who lick their lips and make gross comments and stalk women's phones and yes that makes them ugly. No good looking guy ever did that to me. The usually are polite and smile and compliment my outfit of something but they don't need to rely on overstepping boundaries or being invasive 

Whatever makes it easier for you to cast your judgment.