Co-parenting and clothing

What would you do? All the nice clothes I have bought for my step daughter usually end up being hoarded by her mom's home. Now that my step daughter lives with us full time and hasn't had the opportunity bro get all of her stuff,, bio mom has taken it upon herself to give her 2 year old (very nice) jacket that I paid for to her younger daughter. She has continuously been giving the clothes we have bought our step daughter to her younger daughter for use instead of just buying them herself. There have been occasion where we bought our step daughter Sorel winter boots and bio mom wore them and lost them, did not pay us back or buy her a new pair in return. It's just incredibly frustrating. If it were me, I would be giving the nicer items my step daughter no longer wears back to her if she paid for them. We do not have a good relationship with them but I find this incredibly frustrating. My step daughter couldn't definitely wear that jacket again this year but the situation is so high conflict I'm afraid to even ask.

Tired of buying clothes for her other children as well