10 days alcohol free-extreme sweet tooth/junk food cravings

It is about day 10 since I have had a drink. The first 3 days were super hard and it still is, but I have found myself craving complete junk now instead of alcohol. I have drank nearly every night for the past 10 years.

I started going to the gym and thought I’d have more energy, but I find myself having less stamina than before and no motivation at all. I just want to eat junk and sleep. I started up on my antidepressants again so idk if that has something to do with it. I have actually gained 5 pounds despite going to the gym all week.

I can’t seem to kick this sweet tooth. I wake up every morning almost feeling the same as if I drank the night before.

Does this get better? What can I do to help these cravings?