Thoughts on prolonging the lifespan of my white glue slimes

I apologize in advance if this topic has already been discussed. Of all my slimes I always like my white glue based ones the best, however they always “die” much faster than my clear glue based ones. I feel like you can reactivate a clear glue slime and it’s pretty good to go but a white glue based one will never really bounce back quite the same.

I play on a clean surface with freshly washed hands and I try to limit my play time to about 10 minutes per slime. (Which isn’t that difficult after you have a large collection)

I was wondering if anyone has ever tried spritzing their slime with plain water after a play session to try and moisturize the slime as a method of prolonging its life?

Are there any other ways of trying to add moisture back into it? I have glycerin but I normally only reach for that when a slime is over activated.

Thanks for any feedback. My T&G peppermint cake pop from Momo is very quickly losing its gloss and stretchability so I am just trying to hold on a little longer.