Sorry for another update guys this is unfortunately the last one :(

I know this is irrelevant to san jose sort of but just wanted to share this. So as you guys know, i took a girl out to Christmas in the park we are both juniors in highschool and we ice skated, looked at trees, walked around, and got hot coca and some food, then we hided in shade from the rain. Obviously i paid for all this which costed me around like $80, for our first date. After it ended i messaged her at night saying i had so much fun, and i thought she was really sweet and i hope this isnt just a one time thing. I thought we had a amazing first time together, we chatted for the whole 3 hours we were together. This morning i messaged her good morning and asked if she would go on a second one with me in the future and we can take things slow. She responded with i dont think this is going to work out after we met up, and she doesnt want to keep leading me on. Im rly bummed bc i dont think i did anything wrong i paid for everything, i was nice about everything, shit im good looking and i play sports. But anyways there you guys have it, thanks for all the ones that helped me with ideas. Is it normal to be tearing up a little abt this. It was half my Christmas money lol.