Not having black people on PPV proves that Hunter hates black people. Not having handicapped people proves he is ableist. Having Asian people proves he fetishizes Asian people so he hates them. Not having Indians proves he is racist towards Indians. Native Americans? Don't get me started on natives!

Nothing can stop me from creating fake outrages.

Have you noticed that Hunter never booked a people under the age of 18 or over the age of 60????? Is Hunter ageist???? People are asking!!! I hope someone asks him that at the next press. And if he gives "well, I think young people are not experienced and i don't even know if can legally work, and old people might get injured" bullshit, that's just a dogwhistle for ageism, that's how YOU KNOW he is prejudiced against age

What about Mexicans? None in the entire company, that how you know he is racist towards Mexi... huh? There are lots of Mexicans and they work together? See, him booking Mexicans together proves that he is racist, he doesn't want Mexicans to mingle with other races!!

What about British people? I bet he puts them in programs fighting other races!... what? He booked Sheamus vs Butch in a program together? ...see, this proves he is racist, cause he knows "us whities gotta stick together"

What about tag teams? Whenever a tag team wins the title they ALMOST NEVER DEFEND IT AT A PLE. Finn and Damien won the titles and they had no title defenses! This proves that HHH is racist towards tag t... what? What do you mean tag teams are not a race? Are you a racist????