PSA: Scoop litter boxes daily!
People.... you need to be scooping your litter boxes at least once daily.
I just started a sit with a new client. She left me one bag near the litter box. Yes, one. I asked her where I would find more bags for scooping and she said she only left one because she thought I would only need to scoop once - over a four day sit! She then clarified that she only scoops twice a week. Not to mention this litter box is in one of those enclosed furniture things, so... this poor cat. 😓
To make it even weirder, the house is clean, she's having me come twice daily, and she did ask me to wash kitty's food bowls every feeding, etc. so the neglect seems to be specific to the litter box. Which is so weird.
Please scoop daily!! Imagine if you only flushed your toilet twice a week!