Why is Fuze with a shield always so immediately dismissed as a viable option?

Personally, I find Fuze with a shield to be a great support pick. It provides the defensive benefits of having a shield and all the related things you can use it for in tandem with teammates (like being mobile cover), without sacrificing other util that could be useful.

Granted, I mainly play in a stack, so we strategize around this, but most of the time when I die, it's never really to do with the fact I'm stuck using a pistol, and is often more to do with poor positioning/aim/etc. Hell, it's not like my K/D is even bad (1.25 on Fuze + Shield specifically this season), and almost every round I annihilate tons of defender util before dying.

And last but not least, Fuze has 2 great pistols. PMM has insane burst damage, and 2 taps 3 HP ops in close quarters, and the GSH18 is just a solid weapon overall with its decent damage, great recoil, and decent irons.

Of course, I do see the drawbacks, such as less overall firepower, significantly poorer performance and longer ranges, and the fact that shielfs no longer do melee damage just as a start. I just find that the drawbacks don't necessarily outweigh the benefits, and can be fairly easily played around, at least if you have a good stack to play with.

Curious to see what people think about Fuze + Shield now that the shield rework is more or less settled in