New poster. Month 4
So this is going to be a long post with quite a few different things in it. My first post in the sub and on reddit in general practically.
I have been dipping since I was around 15 years old. Everyday, none stop unless I was sick and physically couldn't. I'm now 30 years old with children and decided to quit at the end of November 23'. From 15 - 26ish my choice was skoal apple long cut. After that I've done about a can of 3mg zyn a day till I just stopped here last November.
I will say the week following was hell and I felt awful. Going from a can of nicotine a day to nothing cold turkey wasn't fun and the word miserable is not enough to describe it.
That's not what this post is about. I honestly thought after that first week I would be fine and everything from then on would be perfect and the symptoms would be over.
This may get a little graphic so I apologize.
The rest of December I felt mostly fine and could function. I'm not sure if it was just all the leftover nicotine slowly draining out my system or what but I felt ok. January is when the issues started that I want some feedback on. It's becoming hard for me to know what may genuinely be withdrawal/side effects, and what may be something else.
I have read online about the effects of nicotine on the body and what it does. Water retention, anti-inflammation, etc.
Starting in January I have had none stop vertigo paired with tinnitus in on of my ears. Been to ENT and my primary with no answers from either. Never been around anything that would cause hearing loss especially in a month. I went from peeing clear or practically clear all the time to not super dark pee but definitely darker then I've ever pee'd. (I assume this has somthing to do with the water retention properties of nicotine) I have been extremely fatigued, some days I thought I wasn't going to get out the bed. My joints none stop popping and never had an issue with this before quitting. Now again the logical side of me is trying to say no way this is just withdrawal side effects, but I have no answers left. All tests/blood tests for any type of sickness have been negative. I had a CT scan back in January of my brain that was perfectly normal (from a car accident back in March of 23') I have had the worse jaw and face muscle pain I have ever had. ENT says it TMJ, but again 30 years old, never had any mouth/jaw/muscle issues until now. The last symptom I've been having is awful sleep. I've read this is a common one, but I have always when I was on the nicotine been able to sleep through anything. I was a deep sleeper and never woke up any durning the night, now I wake up all times of the night, sleep very light and seems I can only get 6 hours of sleep at best before I'm just awake in the bed until I have to get up for work.
I'm sure I'm missing information and being my first post this is alot for me to just type out to express. Definitely been affecting my mood, mental health, and relationship. I felt as if I was invincible when I was on the zyn. Never sick. Never had any big issues. Zyn did cause me pretty rough panic issues from time to time. With it getting my heart rate up and doing then all day everyday, I would have the occasional panic attack. I will say these have gone away substantially. Little to no anxiety. My heart rate always used to be in the 80s-90s. Now off the zyn I stay in the 60s.
Anyone else relate to any of this? This being the first time I've actually quit dip/zyn/nicotine I didn't know what to expect and still don't. Maybe I'm just looking for some reassurance in this post, I'm not sure.
Thank you for reading this far if you have.