do you all mentally judge "bad" players on coop

brcause i often get so extremely nervous when playing coop (even when the song is easy for me) that i start to tremble and get everything wrong .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠⁠·⁠. i used to turn off my wifi mid gameplay whenever i felt like i was doing bad but now when i do it i get temporarily banned from coop lol.

i know most people just forget the other players' scores as soon as the match is over, but the moment you see their results (showing how much good, bad and miss they got), do you judge them? if so, what is the average number of good/bad/miss notes that lead you to judge them?

edit: im not replying to the comments because i dont really know what to say BUT thank you for answering, im starting to feel a little less bad about coop :3