What do you guys wear for visit?

I’m supposed to visit my man soon since he was transferred and the rules are so strict. I am visiting CDCR. We can’t wear blue jeans , leggings or anything skin tight. I would wear sweats but this is the first time I’m seeing my man in several months so I want to look somewhat presentable only for the first visit since it would also be our first pictures together. I would wear a long t shirt but it’s January and my LO told me the visits are held outdoors. I bought 2 long sleeve dresses both maxi and ankle length and not skin tight so I’m hoping I can wear those? I have been watching TikTok’s of what other prison wives wear and the videos are outdated, a bunch of rules have been changed since then or they are able to get away with certain clothing. Since it’s my first visit what’s the safest outfit you guys wore to visit your LO?