Forget YOU hating SHINIES- anybody else got a SHINY that hates YOU?

This post goes out to Passimian. With 349 shinies battled in Violet I consider myself somewhat dedicated to hunting, and no other mon in the dex has evaded me like this stupid monkey with its stupid ball.

I've outbreak-hunted at least 5 outbreaks, knocking them out until "few from the original outbreak remain" and then running around to reset spawns. Hours and hours I've hunted this monkey, in the bamboo forest and Tagtree Thicket, in outbreaks and with fighting-type Sparkle Power sandwiches and also a combination of both. When those event outbreaks with Oranguru were happening I went to one and within the hour I had the Scarlet Exclusive ape on my Violet game, and still Passimian eludes me. I've already gone back to Ultra Sun to hunt a Larvitar out of necessity (and because I avoid hatching eggs unless it's unavoidable) but maybe SOS chaining will get another time to shine, it'd probably be quicker than riding around begging this monkey to appear in Violet even though it clearly has beef with me.

It isn't even a situation like the microscopic plankton Pokemon that are hard to see, either, it's a big mon with a very distinct shiny. I'm still careful when I hunt, of course, but this stupid monkey, man...

I'm hoping that posting this will make it appear out of spite to prove I'm impatient and a spoiled method hunter with no class. Let me know if y'all had one specific shiny that took so much longer than any other hunt it was only slightly funny.