13yo wants a $50 t-shirt, am I being stingy by saying no
Update: I offered to go 50/50 with her on it and she said no. I’m ok with treating her, but I guess she doesn’t want the shirt that badly. I honestly think she didn’t even notice the price at first.
My very wonderful and mature 13 yo daughter just sent me a link to a t-shirt she really wants on Etsy, it’s cute and unique but it’s $50.
My initial impulse is to say no, and it will be very easy to do this since my daughter will understand and be reasonable about it.
However, she’s just so darn good and amazing (straight A’s, so kind and responsible too) and never asks for things like this, I feel like a jerk saying no.
I could ask her to spend her own money on it, or chip in $25 towards the cost.
Then again, I’m tempted to just say no all together, based on the principle. $50 for a shirt feels like a bit much to me. I’ve never spent that much on a shirt for myself.
But I get it that things cost more these days. Also im a tomboy and have never been into clothes, i shop at the walmart little boys dept lol (I recently got a sick shirt with a tiger on it!!). So maybe my perspective is off. My daughter is much more into cute girly outfits (and I want to encourage her independent style choices), those things just cost more.
Also FYI, this shirt won’t break the bank for us, but will definitely be a “sometimes treat” kind of purchase