How much do you spend on your teens clothes? Parent of 13 yo girl
She’s recently graduated from the usual target/walmart kid uniform of leggings and dinosaur/ unicorn t-shirts. She now wants real clothes lol
She’s not asking for designer stuff and is a really awesome, reasonable kid. But I’m freaked out by the amount of money I’ve been spending, a $30 t-shirt feels crazy to me. I mostly do second-hand or diy stuff for myself, but she’s a little more fancy.
She is cool with second-hand, but often really wants something we can only find new.
I want to honor her tastes, and we can afford nice things for her (100k year, 2 kids), but I know there should be a limit.
I’m curious what other folks spend. Per month/ season?
My goal would be that I buy the basics for her to have a decent wardrobe with plenty of options each season/ size change. Then she gets things with her own money that are considered extra (accessories, a hoodie if she already has a few in her closet, etc)