Why does eating crisps make me feel less like I'm about to die? And what can I do to replace them as my saviour?
I get bad headaches and general feeling bad. Sometimes my head feels like its filled with lead and I feel sick and things hurt but one day while feeling like this I was craving ✨️crisps✨️ (chips to americans?) Anyways I have an ED (mostly recovered dw) so I wasn't going to give in to the craving but I did and it made me feel better. My symptoms just went away. I felt better!
Now whenever I feel like I want to curl up in a ball and pass away because I feel so ill I eat something salty and I'm fine. WHY?
Also bonus: I feel immense guilt snacking still. Whatever the crisps(chips) are doing for me I need to know so I can find something that does the same thing. Help?