Narcs are like rabid dogs when it comes to punishment

When a narc feels threatened by you, they pull out ALL the stops. They will stop at nothing to crush you, and they feel 100% justified in doing it.

The sick part is, oftentimes all you’ve done is stand up for yourself, or point out the truth about the narcissist, or draw a boundary for yourself. It’s something that you have the RIGHT to do, and any healthy person would understand and accept that.

But with narcs, none of this matters. All they can see is that THEY are not getting what they want, when they want, how they want it - and they snap. Your rights, feelings, needs, boundaries, even your life are not considered at all. The narc morphs into hulk-smash mode. They go at you hard and they do not stop. And this is what makes them dangerous.

There is no reasoning with someone like this. There is no surviving this. You just have to GET OUT.