Final reminder: Signups close tonight at midnight PDT
The CRC wanted to remind you that due to the last season's rule changes, experienced players must go through the MLTP draft to be eligible for NLTP. And as you saw last season, we actually mean it.
Sign up now
Some important dates:
4/21 : Deadline for MLTP-experienced players to sign up for MLTP draft
4/25: Deadline for all other players to sign up for MLTP draft. This, therefore, is the deadline to sign up for the draft for anyone with league experience, regardless of whether you are drafted to MLTP.
4/28: MLTP Draft
5/5: NLTP Draft
Players with fewer than 100 minutes of cumulative LTP experience can sign up for NLTP prior to the draft.
Again - the tradition of allowing people to skip the draft has come to an end.
Also, bear in mind that while we may be a twinge more lenient on free agency this season, the CRC reserves the right to keep the league closed to any experienced players who did not go through the draft. Therefore, your best bet is to sign up for the draft if you want to play LTP any time before July.
Tell your friends!