NLTP S14 Equidistant Eight Playoff Matches

Captains already know the matches, but it'd probably be helpful to just throw the matches out there. And some other random stuff that somehow make the post way longer than it should be.


High Seed Low Seed
#1 WCDinos #8 SLA
#2 Over the Pants Handoffs #7 Ballsagna
#3 Returns of the Jedi #6 Doggy's Tile
#4 FlairBNB #5 POGGERS


High Seed Low Seed
#1 Returns of the Jedi #8 Pi-Curious
#2 WCYDinos #7 POGGERS
#3 Over the Pants Handoffs #6 Pequeños Pundas*
#4 Land Before Timers #5 FlairBNB

* - pending investigation on whether or not having a tilde causes more pandamonium than the time we panda CRC member for making bad puns. It's He's probably expandable anyways.

If you don't know how playoffs work, click here.

I made a spreadsheet to keep track of pick/bans automatically. Captains have the form and a shiny new webhook which yells at them whenever someone makes a selection. If the captains don't use the form there will be consequences. Click here to check it out. (Not that there’s really anything to check when no one has done a ban yet)

If you've been looking for all of the raw results to do some fancy analysis on your opponents, here you go. (Filtering from the Import sheets from the two stats packets would probably be more helpful.)

Be sure to check out the captains game followed by the CRC game tonight starting at 9 pm ET here!

(And see drunk WRIG play defense. The other half of the defense would drink, but we'd have some problems if that was possible.)