Homesick for Sandrock

I'm new to the My Time series and just no-lifed through Sandrock over the last few weeks. Played to the very end, married sweet Fang, nothing left to do. Needless to say, I loved it.

So I figured I'd move on to Portia to keep milking that sweet sweet My Time dopamine as much as I can until we're blessed with Evershine. But now that I've started in Portia, I can't stop thinking about Sandrock and everyone there. And not just because Sandrock is newer and looks/feels better to play. I honestly feel homesick for it

I miss seeing Burgess walk by in the morning with his goofy optimism. I miss Unsuur and his endearing strangeness. Qi's barely masked mech obsession. Jasmine's smarts and Andy's spirit. Logan's hot cowboy energy. Hell, I even miss Cooper's rants.

And most of all, I miss Fang and X. Haven't seen a Portia bachelor yet who can even hold a candle to him.

I'm not very far into Portia yet, so I'm sure I'll grow to love everyone here, too, and surely I'll find some of the same silly yet loveable kinda of people here, but... Damn, I don't think I've ever felt homesickness in a game before. You'll always be my favorite, Sandrockers.