Music suggestions for someone who never REALLY listened to music.
I grew up in the psycho-belt to an ultra-religious family and never had access to things like books, music, games or movies (homeschooled, Sunday school, not allowed to leave home unless with parents, the whole ordeal), i obviously knew music but it was mainly church stuff or something i would hear in the rare occasions we were out as a family, recently (around June) I was able to finally get away from that situation, and started exploring media, like books and movies, but never really got around to seriously paying attention to music until recently.
I'm a sucker for physical copies of things, so i recently went into a record store, there's a decently large one just 2 blocks from home and asked the owner what's the best thing to come out since the 2000s what i ended up leaving with was "Turn on the Bright Lights" by Interpol, i absolutely loved it, i probably cried on 4 different songs during my first listen, so i decided to ask here for more suggestions, hit me with anything you love, old or new i really want to experience the things I've been missing out on.