Newbies joined our gym, they are super conservative Muslims and have asked to have zero interactions with any women members.... Am I wrong to think this is ridiculous?

So here's a brand new situation I never thought I'd deal with...

3 men in their early twenties just joined our gym this week, they are clearly new at martial art in general, no biggie.

At the end of each class we have a tradition to line up, bow and touch gloves and say good job to each other...nothing fancy. I train with my partner and she came up to me right after class to tell me that those 3 guys refused to touch gloves/bow to all the women who attended class.

I'm super confused I go see the coach to see what's up, he's clearly unconformable and says:

-Yeah those guys are super religious and they refuse to have any kind of contact with women... so no pad work, no sparring, not partnering up with women and absolutely zero contact with any women even with gloves and shin guard on....Told them it was fine but if I couldn't find them partners, I would send them on the punching bag and they would miss reps....

This is in Ontario, Canada and I always saw myself as someone pretty open minded but am I right to think this is absolute insanity? Words is already spreading throughout the girls who attend our gym and they are PISSED to say the least. I feel this is gonna get real weird real quick with those guys with everyone....

Going to a muay thai gym and then demanding that you don't touch a women even with gloves on is like going to swimming lessons and refusing to get wet...

Update : For better or worst, one of the three gentleman decided to spare against the best fighter(ironically he's also Muslim lol) we have tonight at open mat. His nose was sent to another dimension/broken with a beautiful hook kick lol