Self Employed Loan Application Requirements
I will be in business for 7 years in spring of 2025. Last year my self-employed income was $130K, this is take home after all deductions, and not yet taxed (reported on tax return), this year I have experienced a good chunk of growth. I am projecting $170K (will report on tax return). Will they use the $170K of 2024 as income? I heard they use the last 2 years and average them so it will be 150K. I also heard if you have been in business for over specific amount of years, they will use the latest tax return instead of averaging it since the latest is higher than the 2023 return of 130K. Something along those lines. Will they go back beyond 2 years? in 2022, my business started to pick back up after Covid, it really took me a long time so my income was half of that. I'm getting a mix of different info, if someone can confirm this for me, I would appreciate it. Thank you in advance.