Maybe a stupid question, but why is fatalis so special?
I should probably preface this by saying that world was my first game, so I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to the lore of the franchise.
So fatalis is usually depicted as this unstoppable force of nature that burns down anything in its path, but how is that different than any other form of elder dragon? I'm sure that if you anger most elders enough, they can accomplish similar feats to fatalis. Is it just that he has full control over fire? But then why is kushala not as dangerous? Surely it could do something similar by just creating massive storms, right? Or velkhana, who the commission believed would literally freeze the new world solid. Why not shara or safi, who were both capable of causing massive environmental changes, with the latter allegedly waking up fatalis and alatreon? Even zorah magdaros, who likely didn't even notice we were there, absolutely fucked up the entire commission and nearly destroyed the new world just by dying. We have all of these examples of elders literally causing devastating damage to the entire world, and yet fatalis is always seen as the most powerful by the majority of the community, with people getting pissed when the (canon) idea if safijiva being equal to fatalis is even brought up. Am I missing something? Sure fatalis is definitely stronger than the average elder, but is he really that strong?
Also, by bad if I flared this wrong, I wasn't sure if this counted as a discussion or a spoiler