Blighted Ovum

I don't even know what to say, I just need to talk somewhere i guess. We had an 8 week scan recently and it was a completely empty- just a sac. The ultrasound tech rushed us away so fast and I can't get in touch with my OB for further information, so down the Google rabbit hole I go. My husband desperately wants to be hopeful, but I was so sure of my dates (as sure as anyone whose been tracking every little thing for almost a year could) and I just don't see how this could have a happy ending.

I hate that I have to wait three weeks to confirm. I hate that I'm most likely going through all these pregnancy symptoms for nothing. I hate that our holiday announcement plans will never happen. I hate that this baby was supposed to be born at the perfect time for our family. I hate that I have to wait even longer for a baby. I hate that it happened to me, and I hate that my husband is so supportive and caring. I hate that I'm just a sad, hurt thing for him to take care of. I hate that I keep catching him looking at me with those stupid sad eyes.

Thanks for reading. 💙