Brooklyin saying that she didn't know that you can't have sex after your water breaks in her new yt video

Is she literally insane. Who would even consider having sex after the water breaks???

I know that she wants to make it seem like she is having sex all the time, but this is just too much. She's acting like a pick me teenager, not like a grown up who is about to give birth in a few weeks.

When my water broke, sex hasn't even remotely cross my mind. I was just thinking how to get the hospital and focused to follow all the instructions my obgyn told me so me and my baby stay safe.

How can she be THAT uneducated? She didn't know that you cannot have sex after your water breaks because it can cause infection? She had so many crazy uneducated comments regarding health lately... Especially since she became pregnant.

I cannot believe that any 25-year-old knows so little about health, let alone someone who had access to college education and holds Master's degree. Like how did she even finish high school wihout the bare minimum knowledge of the feminine health.

Edit: English is not my first language, I'm sorry about the spelling and grammar mistakes.