Flew from my country to see my boyfriend, we've spent the entire weekend on the couch.
We don't and have never slept together because of a medical issue he has, he's hoping to get it sorted soon.
He doesn't like going outside or talking to people.
I got upset about him not planning any dates for us and he said I should've given him prior warning that I wanted one (this visit has been scheduled for close to a month, isn't it just manners to plan something when someone visits you from another country)
I pay for half of everything, any food he makes us for dinner (though on this visit I've paid for it all as he won't have money till tomorrow and he'll pay me back) I gave him cash for his cigarettes yesterday because he didn't have cash, and I always pay for my travel to visit him in full, and since being LD, only I've visited him, twice. He still claims I don't reciprocate enough because the first night we ate dinner he both cooked and washed up. I feel like this was not that big a deal but I apologised and corrected this the following nights.
Today was a sunny beautiful day, he didn't want to do anything or go anywhere, after already spending Friday and Saturday night laying on the couch infront of the TV. I wanted to go for a walk and he begrudgingly accepted but in such a childish way (saying he didn't want to but if we had to we could only go during the 15 minute halftime of a football match he was watching on TV, like we couldn't just go before or after the match with no time constraints), so I just told him I'd go alone.
I also argued with him as I'm frustrated and have been for a long time at his lifestyle: he smokes five times a day, drinks Monster energy drinks constantly, barely eats anything but mac and cheese, refuses to leave the house except to go to the grocery store, doesn't drink water, doesn't eat fruit (and gets annoyed and refuses when I try to get him to do either of these two things) and sleeps at close to dawn every night.
When in my anger I suggested maybe his pnis issues could be because of his unhealthy lifestyle he said that he's been fine, so clearly its not affecting his body (which I said is a dumb argument since he's only 24), and his lifestyle makes him happy (yet has told me before that he's unhappy in life lately, but seemed to only be claiming otherwise to win the fight) and he constantly tries to use my complaints about not going outside to say that that must mean I don't have fun with him/that I'm not truly as introverted as him, as if it's a competition.
He also disagrees with everything I say, though I acknowledge he told me early on that he's a contrarian, it gets frustrating not being able to have even a mundane opinion about a movie without him going 'Well actually...' as he always does. He has autism and I understand that is a symptom for him but it just makes conversation really grating.
He doesn't take any correction or criticism so he just turns me bringing anything he does up into 'Well you do XYZ'
Today his response to me being upset we've been inside all weekend is 'Well you're annoying too because you've been blowing your nose constantly' (I have a runny nose rn) something I have stated all weekend I feel annoying for doing, even apologising to each of his roommates for it, and them saying they didn't even notice.
He also says he's unable to give words of affirmation because of his autism. I always tell him I think he's smart and amazing and charming and funny. He can't seem to say anything about me besides that I'm hot.
I ask if he wants to break up and he says no. He says I nag him and criticise him too much but I just don't know how to deal with this, especially long distance.
Edit: Tried to talk to him about it again, he dumped me lol. Going to be a fun next few days as I'm staying at his place until my flight