Toxicity Towards New Players

Guys, can we stop being toxic to new players. Instead of insulting then or telling them they are bad and to stop playing, maybe we should be better as a community and help them. Give them advice, and allow then to learn.

Last 5-6 days I have been hearing a lot of, “oh they got it for Christmas we are screwed”. “It went on sale these guys suck and ruin the game”. “new console players a cod babies and can’t play”. “Its the influx of new sucky Christmas buyers that ruin the game”. “They can’t play, they don’t know what they are doing, they shouldn’t be allowed to play”.

Well… you know what… im going to call all of you out because I remember when you were a lvl 1 new player and didn’t know how to play the game, just like when I was a level one and needed to figure out how to play the game. Instead of pretending you are gods gift to the game, get off your elitist high horse and instead of insulting and berating new players, lets help, encourage, and teach them. In this way our game can grow and we can have more people and more games and all can indulge in the fun of Hell Let Loose.

End rant.. sorry. I am tired of hearing players who think they are very good complain about everyone new. I got it, you have 300 days played in the game… chill and lets all Be better!

Edit: No i am not new… lvl 102 and have been playing on pc when it first came out before switching to console on its release because I like playing shooters on console more, plus my friends have xbox and not PCs.