Recommendation please. Comfortable earbuds with multiple speakers (if that exists?)

I recently used those old iPhone bundled earbuds that have a 2nd speaker on the side, I assume that is what made them sound so good, do any earbuds exist that are like that, but have the comfortable rubber tips? Looking for AUX Wired and wireless BT because I would like to switch everything if it can sound that good. Shipping to Europe/Switzerland, id pay around 150chf for the wireless ones.

Slight backstory for a better idea of what I'm talking about: I've been using earbuds with those rubber tips since forever, but I recently visited my parents and forgot mine. I dug some ones out of a box, those kind that came with iPhones back in the day. They hurt like all hell after 15min but HOLY HELL they sounded good when playing helldivers 2 on my laptop.

I don't really know much about audio and stuff, but it sounded so 'full'? I also listened to some EDM after and my current earbuds can't compare! But again, after 15min the pain is unbearable, they fit terribly and they are just hard.

I think they have a 2nd speaker on the side, which is what leads to the full sound, and deep bass. I'm not sure what to call that so I'm having a hard time finding earbuds that are similar, but maybe that doesn't exist or the effect cannot be achieved with rubber tipped earbuds.

I'm currently using "Sony MDR-EX110AP" wired buds for my PC, and "Jabra Elite" wireless buds for my phone/laptop.