Are we f*cked?

4 years in this industry, last year and some has been terrible… what’s going on, do you know? Do you? Anyone? … please? I understand; US economy isn’t in the best spot. Shippers aren’t shipping, blah blah blah.

RFQ’s creeping on us all and don’t see how we’re supposed to either 1) keep equal rates or 2) go lower…. either or = another shitty year to come… spot market isn’t reliable/I don’t like relying on spots.

What to expect for the future? Any decade+ freight prodigies in here? Could provide some hopeful insight for a (…I guess a newbie?) worried but in it for the fight freight lover?

I guess I’m not even really asking for any insightful and or hopeful words… I know where we’re headed and it’s not looking great. I’d like for us all to come to an agreement: we’re f*cked and should start looking for coordinator roles at Mcdonalds.