Has anyone had a strange subconscious desire to stop smoking THC in the past week???
I've been a lifelong smoker. I only quit briefly for the five years I was in the Marine Corps. Something strange has been happening to me. About a year ago, I lost my ability to consume red meat and all mammal products due to a tick bite. (Alpha Gal Syndrome)
I've also been a heavy smoker for the past ten years I've been out of the military. Like 3-4 blunts per day. The past week I've been having strange symptoms when I smoke. Like my throat feels like it's closing up and I feel extreme anxiety. Any other timeI had to quit, I would be extremely moody and not sleeping at all without it. Starting arguments and just a mess. I haven't felt that at all. In fact, I strangely feel at peace and do not want it at all. I also quit my adderall a week ago as well. Same time I quit THC. It's taken about a week to feel like myself again but I just want to clarify that I have an extremely addictive personality. Ive struggled with drug use my whole life. Every other time I've tried to stop, it's been like fighting against every nerve in my body not to smoke. This time doesn't feel like that. I don't think about it and I don't want it. Has anyone else been experiencing this?
The dreams have also returned. I am spiritual and consider my dreams to be messages sometimes, especially when they "Feel." If that makes sense. Since quitting I've dreamed every night, but only one of those nights did I have a dream that "Felt." The dream was me driving and my car broke down. Two men stopped to help me and told me they were giving me a ride to the Parts store. Instead they took me to Church. An outside church revival style. As I was sitting there talking to someone my 6 year old nephew walked and stood in front of me crying in anguish asking me "Why Has the Music Stopped?" I woke up then.
This is so weird to me. I've never posted in this group but I follow you guys and try to keep up. I was a GATE kid in elementary school in Alabama who was recruited to the US Marines out of high school for getting into fights at school. They were completely justified though. I was being bullied relentlessly for being Gay and decided to take matters into my own hands when others wouldn't help me.
I believe it's time and it's our time to shine.