
I accidentally missed an entire day of medication over the weekend. I’m usually really good about my meds, but there was a problem getting a refill of a new script, so I had to cut the dose. I’m wondering how you all get through a refill issue over a weekend. All of my epilepsy meds are controlled substances, so I try to make sure that my doctor has updated the script and that it is filled on time. I started clobazm in October, with a two week titration. For whatever reason, the pharmacy applied the titration to my refills and won’t fill it for another week. Not only did I have to cut the dose, but I’ll still run out of medication. I was actually accused of taking more than prescribed, and even selling my pills. I won’t be going back on that medication because I’m treated like a drug addict because it’s a benzo. I guess I’m giving up on the pills for now.