Partner's Epilepsy is Affecting Their Education
So my partner has non photosensitive epilepsy. Their seizures don't have specific triggers, but are more likely to happen when they are stressed or if they get too hot or cold.
They had to drop out of high school fir family reasons and are signed up for Goodwill's Excel program to try to get their diploma.
The problem is that we are poor and our living situation is incredibly stressfull, so a lot has been making the seizures worse. They do have insurance and medicine, but the stuff they take will randomly lose effectiveness and we don't know why.
They've been sent to the hospital multiple times from school, but the ER doctors just send them home without helping.
They have a neurologist appointment in two months, but this is hurting their education NOW. I really don't know what to do. I'm sorry if this has been rambly, but do any of you know of things we can do to help until the appointnent? I don't want them to lose this oppurtunity. I know its a longshot asking.