Is my school wrong?

Today we did an exam about all the subjects we studied this bimester, and one of them was english. Said english exam was horrible, some awful writing and really dumb questions but the real problem was this one question on the image: It asks who's the author of the mentioned book according to the text, but... the text gives two names on who created it, with no further elaboration given. And since those names are both separate alternatives, going by the text those should both be possible answers, no? "Oh okay, it was just a typing mistake while making the exam or something" I thought, since I catched it I go ask the teacher who was supervising us about it and she just gets angry and starts that I'm wrong; after the exam, I went to the english teacher who made that part and asked her about it as well and she just answers that "The right answer is x because it's the right answer." I'm not kidding, she literally said that.

One of our classmates thought maybe you were supposed to figure out which one it was by which name was female, since the question asks who's the autora (the female version of author in portuguese), but that doesn't make sense either as both Hilary and Davina could very well be women's names, so I really do have no idea how you were supposed to figure out which of them was meant to be the right answer other than just blind guessing. I'd love if you guys could tell me if I'm missing something or if I really am right about that (especially if you also speak portuguese and english lol), because if it really is wrong I wanna show that to my school and get them to cancel that question.