Curious to see what others think in regards to Sidar Jabari and his ability to recur from the GV

So this has come up a couple times in my group that Sidar Jabari is “more powerful than Kaalia” due to his ability to recur Knights on combat damage.

I almost got into an argumentative disagreement about this. Clearly one isn’t like the other. Kaalia can drop an Angel on attack from her hand. You have no idea what that is going to be. It’s probably something like Avacyn.

Sidar not only has to hit someone, you can usually see what is going to be brought out since the optimal play is for me to dump a knight from my hand that turn and recur it on that damage step after combat.

But this led to a bunch of salt since “it’s too strong” and “constant recurrence from the GV” is busted. Plus, eminence (the least busted eminence commander probably?)

Like how is this even close to more powerful than Kaalia? Am I missing something? I can’t even play the deck in this group anymore because it’s considered too strong yet there are people in my group that run Marwyn the Nurturer and Gaea’s Cradle, and that was a sore spot discussion at one point…