Annoyingly after a year and a half of suffering and depression, punctal plugs did it!
I can live my life happy again, without my eyes burning at all times.
It took me thousands and thousands of dollars navigating the wrong eye doctors (Including some at the famous Moorfields eye hospital in London). Hours and hours reading about my condition. Time and time again experimenting with new ways not to suffer.
That did help me learn about MEIBOGRAPHIES, which took me to the correct doctor. It's a good sign if your eye doctor does meibographies, as it analyses one of the things that is usually "broken" when one suffers from dry eyes. Most other eye doctors won't do this exam.
This doctor suggested punctal plugs. Which I had tried before. 1 and a half year earlier. But the ones that I'd tried before were disposable, and I think they soon fell off. So we tried with permanent ones. AND MY LIFE HAS CHANGED. I can live comfortably again.
My eyes went from a 1/10 to a 9/10 in terms of comfort. Took me a year and a half, but they work again and have been for the past 2 months. So a bit annoyed that it took that long to try an obvious solution, but incredibly happy I can live without suffering
I would still benefit from doing IPL to get to a 10/10, but I can totally live without it.
I won't be naming the London doctor I saw as this might sound like a promotion post, but do look up eye doctors and centres that perform meibography. It's a good sign.